Swift vs Python: Which Is the Best Programming Language in 2024?

Henny Jones
9 min readAug 14, 2024


In the dynamic world of programming, a plethora of programming languages are flocking to the market. These vast and diverse languages have made their way into many developer’s hearts. This also includes your web frameworks. Web frameworks are a huge collection of different programming languages that help in creating featuring solutions by following mandatory protocols for better data management. For smarter optimized solutions, strong server-side technologies play a similarly important role. The two main contenders in this space are Swift and Python. Every language possesses unique capabilities and weaknesses, which makes it important to understand their performances before making a choice.

Both Python and Swift are among the most discussed languages among developers in the entire landscape of programming languages. Whether you opt for iPhone app development services or browse the best programming languages, the competition becomes wide open. Since both of them provide a broad range of features and libraries, it has gained a lot of popularity in the modern development scenario. Together, their popularity has grown by leaps and bounds, but when it comes to Swift vs Python, which project is the ideal 1 to choose for your development project? In this blog, we are going to solve this very debate and give you brief information about the features, pros and cons, and similarities between the two languages to help you make an informed decision.

What Is Swift?

Swift is a powerful and contemporary programming language created by Apple specifically for macOS, watchOS, iOS, and TVOS app development. Swift has been designed to be a fast, safe, and expressive solution since its creation in 2014, making it a popular choice among developers when creating a native iOS app. Despite being new to the market, its popularity grew owing to its simple syntax, automated memory management, and modern features. Swift is a successor to the Objective C language, and both of them can be employed to develop mobile apps on iOS.

Being a user-friendly programming language, Swift has an easier learning curve and supports a flexible syntax. Among the top Swift frameworks, the assistance of implementing contemporary features into an app is what sets Swift apart. Since its release, the popularity of it has grown in a rapid manner. In comparison to its predecessor, Objective-C employs modern programming strategies by combining extensive features with uncomplicated syntax. Swift APIs are easy to use and manageable for developers getting into mobile app development. It’s memory is automatically governed with rigid, deterministic reference counting, the memory usage to a minimum, eradicating the expenditure of garbage collection.

Features of Swift

Before you hire dedicated Swift developers for your iOS app development project, understanding the features of Swift will help you make a better decision:

  • Safety: the language constructs and syntax of Swift, eliminates any common or repetitive programming errors.
  • Speed: Swift is extremely fast and effective. In comparison to other top Python development frameworks. It is optimized well for performance.
  • Interoperability: Swift interoperates flawlessly with Objective-C, enabling it for gradual migration of pre-existing codebases.
  • Interactive Playgrounds: Swift Playgrounds provide a highly interactive environment for experimenting with swift code.
  • Optionals and Type Safety: Swift also helps in avoiding runtime crashes, by monitoring nil values and confirming type safety.
  • Memory Management: Automatic reference counting (ARC) contains memory use effectively.

Pros of Swift

Developed by the brilliant minds at Apple, Swift was curated as a valuable language for iOS app development. Here are some of the benefits that make Swift a top choice among developers:

Owing to Apple’s globally recognized minimalist design, the company is prioritizing to keep this feature the same. Even during its language development process, this minimalism will help. Swift remains simple with an easy syntax that even novices can understand.

When developing a native iOS app, Swift works well alongside Objective-C, allowing developers to incorporate existing code into new projects without having to rewrite it.

Both Apple and iPhone app development businesses actively promote Swift with periodic updates and upgrades, ensuring its long-term survival. In addition, Swift has a fast-increasing community, which keeps development on its toes, or as we call it, Swift.

ARC (automated reference counting) is a sophisticated method that helps in the independent management of memory. Hence, as a result, developers don’t have to perform tasks manually, which saves them a good amount of time during development. Furthermore, it’s also one of the key features that gave Swift, a competitive advantage of Python.

Although Swift wasn’t open-source software in the beginning, it was made open-source by the end of previous years. This has been raising its profile and making it a more popular technology in 2024.

Cons of Swift

When it comes to iPhone app development services, Swift development lacks and needs more maturity. Even though Apple has ensured that many of the problems with molding Swift have been solved. There are some prominent disadvantages of Swift. That can’t be ignored:

Despite Swift’s popularity, there are issues with developers who want to use it for iOS app development. The demand for Swift developers is growing, hence, this lack of supply could be a problem in the future.

This is one of the top setbacks that developers face when using Swift. Apple launches very frequent changes to every latest version, which makes it very unstable to use. Hence, if a developer is looking to update the app to the latest version of Swift, it calls for modifying the entire program, which is a hassle. This is where Python wins in comparison to Swift.

Even though Apple’s Swift has many open-source iOS, apps and libraries for fostering a smooth development, Swift provides a few vital native tools that are compatible with different versions. Many libraries and tools were advised for the earlier versions of Swift and are of little to no use in the latest versions.

What Is Python?

Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language that was developed by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991. Python developers adore it since it is both adaptable and approachable, as well as easy to read and understand. Python places a strong focus on code clarity and supports a variety of programming paradigms, including functional programming, procedural programming, and object-oriented programming. It is widely utilized in new technologies, including artificial intelligence, scientific computing, data science, and scalable online applications.

Top Python development frameworks have boosted a lot in the past few years in terms of popularity. From satisfying diverse technological requirements to proffering libraries and frameworks, Python packages also comprise TensorFlow and OpenCV, which are quite useful for machine learning. Among the best Python development tips, one thing to remember is its ability to automate operations and deliver a solid foundation in creating feature-rich applications. It also boasts different frameworks with its own set of packages for reducing the development cycle. Primarily, three types of Python frameworks are micro full stack, and asynchronous.

Features of Python

Python is one of the most popular programming languages, and it is known for its versatility. Let’s take a look at Python’s main characteristics, which make it the most popular choice for scientific research, AI, and online/software development.

Python is globally portable, therefore, any code written for a single platform, such as Linux, macOS, or Windows, may easily cross-function across platforms without alteration or disturbance.

Python’s standard library includes a variety of tools and modules, reducing the need for other libraries and simplifying various processes.

Python, as an interpreted language, runs code line by line, allowing for easier debugging and iteration.

Although Python is primarily object-oriented, it also supports procedural and functional programming paradigms. This enhances the freedom with which developers approach difficulties.

Python has dynamic typing, which allows variables to change during their lifespan without explicit type declarations. When you recruit Python engineers, this feature allows them to have more coding freedom while simultaneously encouraging prudence.

Python promotes code readability by utilizing indentation to distinguish code chunks. It keeps the code clean and easy to read and comprehend, often approximating plain English.

Pros of Python

Python development services are without a doubt one of the most popular programming languages in the market. It offers a great deal of benefits for developers and businesses alike. Hence the debate between Swift vs Python in the first place:

This is one of the main benefits of using Python for web development. Python offers stability and easy code readability, and its “structure and comprehensive syntax make it easy to use as well as learn. Patton is often recommended for novice programmers who’re beginning their careers in web and app development.

Python is an extensible language with immaculate capabilities for integrating other technologies and tools. It can range from programming languages such as C++, C, and Java, in addition to third-party libraries and databases.

Developer so looking to employ python for artificial intelligence and machine learning. It offers a spectrum of libraries such as PyTorch, NumPy, and Pandas. When you integrate these Top Python development frameworks with other popular ones like Flask and Django, you open the doors to developing highly efficient and robust applications. AI/ML models.

Python is an open-source programming language, meaning that users can comfortably download packages and leverage the source code as per the project demand. Moreover, the open-source nature of the Python language empowers the strong community of Python developers and other programmers to maintain continuous improvement.

Python boasts a very strong legacy, which means it is constantly upgraded and backed by a huge community of developers. This community hasn’t just created thousands of frameworks and libraries but also empowers programmers to choose the best Python web framework for their projects. In the Swift versus Python fight, this is one of the primary benefits that gives Python a competitive edge.

Cons of Python

Apart from having many benefits, they certainly have certain setbacks that you should know before you choose between Swift and Python for your next development project.

Python is not a suitable choice when it comes to mobile app development. If you ask any Python development company specializing in Python development services, this is the first advice they will give you when it comes to app development. This language is primarily designed for web development. However, with Kivy (a cross-platform Python framework), you can develop multi-touch mobile software applications with user interfaces similar to native.

One of the bigger setbacks is Python’s high memory consumption. For tasks that require intensive memory, Python is not a good choice.

Python is a dynamically typed language; hence, it possesses certain restrictions in the design segment. Even though it automatically identifies the type of variable in the design, the possibility of making mistakes is not inevitable. This also prevents consumers from opting for more complex designs.

Python vs Swift: Which One to Choose in 2024?

Selecting between Swift and Python is based on your unique demands and requirements for the project.

Choose Swift if

  • Designing iOS, macOS, watchOS, or tvOS apps: Swift is a natural choice when it comes to anything Apple. The interoperability is incredible among these.
  • Constructing high-performance applications: For applications that demand speed and efficiency, Swift has proven a viable tool when it comes to on-time delivery of applications.
  • Functioning within the Apple ecosystem: Swift is the best choice. If your mobile app development project is heavily integrated with Apple’s frameworks and APIs.

Choose Python if

  • Web development and backend services: The most widely utilized top Python development frameworks are Django and Flask means you can eliminate the learning curve if you opt for custom Python development services.
  • Data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence: Python offers powerful libraries like NumPy, Pandas, and TensorFlow that a Currently also being utilized for making AI solutions and many other advanced technological services.
  • Scripting and automation: Python’s clarity makes it excellent for automating tasks that could require repetition.
  • Rapid prototyping: Python offers a very speedy development process, which further helps in quicker iteration.


Both Python and Swift are very powerful programming languages, with each providing unique solutions in different areas. Swift is ideally suited for the Apple ecosystem or iOS. App development, while Python’s versatility gives it a much broader range suited for a multitude of applications. By determining your project goals understanding your platform requirements and assessing the strengths and weaknesses of both of these languages, you can make an educated decision in 2024. Since every project has a unique requirement, the choice between Swift and Python will highly depend on those. Consider your project’s performance needs, the expertise of your team, and the goal of the project.

Choosing a proper programming language is critical for developing bespoke web applications. Programming languages will shape the future of web and software development by allowing them to build more comprehensive and intelligent systems. To avoid issues or setbacks, a thorough inquiry should be undertaken before you hire dedicated swift developers or approach any Python development company. If the whole iOS app development process using top Python development frameworks feels challenging, you should consider teaming with a reputable web development company like Hyperlink InfoSystem to accelerate your growth with their expertise and experience. Being a leading software development company, Hyperlink InfoSystem will ]help you navigate through the process of choosing a live language for your project and also offer expert development services to bring your ideas to life.

Originally published at https://www.hyperlinkinfosystem.com.



Henny Jones

Henny is Award Winning Sales and Marketing Manager Helping Businesses to gain more Audience. https://www.hdatasystems.com